The objectives set by the manager of a company must be linked to the vision he embodies. His essential qualities are curiosity, knowing how to surround himself with the right people, to make decisions quickly, but also the ability to delegate certain missions to his employees.

How to ensure that the leader obtains visible results as a result of the actions taken? This response should allow the manager to project himself on the sustainability of his business. The implementation of previously defined indicators must materialize its results.

Leadership / Governance
Leadership highlights the way the business is run. By his style, his rhythm and his management of the people around him. Governance demonstrates the conduct to be followed for all of the interconnected services within the company.

Human Resources Director / Human Resources Manager
This position is important because human resources represent an important link for a company. Without HR, the company does not exist because it needs them to function. Its role, beyond the remuneration of all employees, is to organize the well-being of employees and their career development.

Collaborators / Teams
The choice of employees for a company is made by their skills and human values. This requires, on the part of the manager, great human qualities and a recognition of the work done by the employees.

Put into practice / test with concrete cases over a period to be defined
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